December 31, 2019

Top News Story –


So we made it. The world didn’t implode, explode or get hit by a devastating meteorite – we survived. But despite the opinion of the incumbent USA president most educated people agree that the world is in trouble due to the way humanity is treating it. We are like a bully who doesn’t realise the damage he is doing to a sensitive subject. It may have taken a 15 year-old from Sweden to finally wake up the rest of us.

Throughout the decade there have been a huge amount of major news stories with 119 covered here. This website, although far from complete (it proved a bigger task than expected), has covered many of the minor, but in some ways, no less interesting stories.

But one question has not been answered – the name the decade will forever be known as. The rather dull “the 2010’s” seems to be the phrase chosen by the daily press, but that is, of course, the title of this website so maybe that was the right answer all along. We still prefer “the Onesies”

This website will continue to expand with new dates added, old stories discovered and hopefully will become a useful place of research.

Finally a mention to four of the finest sources of information available (for free) today. BBC News, Wikipedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Internet Archive – Wayback Machine. We are lucky to have such amazing websites at our demand.

Twitter trends [from Trendinalia] – today from the World

Other News Stories –

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

News from Wikipedia – please support this valuable resource